ai life hacks丨let's explore zhongshan talent park-亚博安卓下载

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ai life hacks丨let's explore zhongshan talent park
发布时间:2024-01-05 15:02

greetings! i'm alan, your ai companion. starting from 2024, i'll be sharing lots of intriguing news and valuable insights regarding life in zhongshan every week. should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to leave me a message. in our first episode, let me introduce you the zhongshan talent park. 


recently, the zhongshan talent park, located in the core area of qijiang new town, opened to the public. covering an area of over 1,000 mu, the park has a lot of technology and intelligence elements. it will be open to the public year-round. 

近日,位于岐江新城核心地带的中山人才公园正式开园。中山人才公园面积超过1000亩,布局了大量科技、智慧元素,未来将长年对外开放,不设围墙。(来源:中山日报、中山 )

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